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Welcome home, Sunshine! Sun Seed Community(SSC) is a platform for the practice of collective healing. The intention of SSC is to feel into and sit with emotional, mental, physical and Ancestral trauma while acknowledging systems of oppression. SSC holds these intersections via the SSC podcast, group/organizational conflict care, liberated admin consulting, and workshops. SSC is dedicated to the liberation of everyone's bodies and minds, especially within queer, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and communities who are deemed "other."


There are always ways to support and dream with SSC! Currently, SSC is looking to co-create and contract with artists, disruptors, advocates, and others in the BIPOC/QTBIPOC community, and also seeking comrade investors and sponsors.


Let's play, let's discuss, and let's share our stories.


What is Liberated Admin?

Liberated Admin is a term Goddess uses to describe the practice of what it means to feel freedom in the workplace. This goes beyond diversity, Equity and inclusion(DEI). Liberated admin practices help us to understand and dismantle harmful colonial and oppressive behaviors and cultures in our work environments. How do we include collective care, agency, and interdependence in our work? Is Healing Justice(HJ), Disability Justice(DJ), Prison Industrial Complex(PIC) AbolitionTransformative Justice (TJ), Spiritual Abolitionism, and decolonization embedded into our policies, procedures and work culture? What do these terms even mean when applied to our workplaces? 


If this is something you and your colleagues are grappling with I’d love to support you or find others who can on your journey.


SSC Values


We do none of this without the Ancestors

SSC is guided by and walks with the Ancestors of our community. They hold life lessons of joy, resilience, rebellion, mistakes, and sense making. We work with them to decide what our generation will carry forward, put down, and dream into. SSC consults with the Ancestors before and during decisions and processes. And in all our work we make sure we pay homage to the lineages we come from and the Elders who support us.


We practice healing in community

SSC centers and encourages all of our community to build robust support systems with people and in environments that can hold complexity, nurture growth, set boundaries, and hold loving accountability. We believe the healing that cultivates right-relationship with others must be practiced with other beings.


We Practice Liberation

SSC centers and continues to learn from Healing Justice(HJ), Disability Justice(DJ), Prison Industrial Complex(PIC) Abolition, Transformative Justice (TJ), Spiritual Abolitionism practices. These practices have been and continue to be key frameworks for how to liberate our bodies, our minds, and our communities.




(they/them) is the Proud MoMo of Sun Seed Community; a platform for the practice of collective healing. Creating Goddess’ tools of liberation took a whole community of support and they hope their village's stories can resonate with others.  Goddess graduated from the College of Journalism at the University of Iowa in 2015 and the Healing Arts Institute of Massage in 2018. They have over 6 years of experience in organizational leadership and 2 years of experience facilitating repair circles. They continue to explore the many facets of Healing Justice, Embodied Abolitionism, conflict care, and somatic practices while teaching workshops internationally and holding space as a spiritual director and organizational nerd.  You can usually find them in the "pagan" section of the bookstore, sitting in the back of a concert, reading a book under the sun, or binge-watching old sci-fi movies while cooking.


Goddess is guided by their Ancestors and is under the mentorship of Yvette Murrell and their Auntie, Empress Simmons; Elder of the Simmons, Tolson, Lucas, Ward, Sanders, Brown, Reed and Carroll lines and Blackfoot and Lakota Nations. Asè.

Certifications & Training

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Union Member of:

Certificate In: Business Law & HR Consulting

© 2020 by Sun Seed Community. Proudly created with

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